NAMD: Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Deca-Alanine

This tutorial provides an introduction to NAMD, and some of its basic capabilities, including the steps of a molecular dynamics simulation, including preparation, minimization, equilibration, production, and finally, analysis of a system. Also, various options and output of the NAMD simulation program are described. In addition, typical simulation techniques are introduced, and the analysis of properties for molecular systems is also illustrated.

Stages in a Typical MD Simulation

A typical Molecular Dynamics simulation using NAMD includes the following stages:

System Preparation → Energy Minimization → Heating + Equilibration → Production Dynamics → Analysis

System Preparation

Building the Initial Structure

To build the initial structure, one needs the following:

In this exercise, the coordinates for deca-alanine are given by the file alanine_original.pdb in PDB format.

The file deca-alanine.pgn constructs an initial deca-alanine structure and contains the following statements:

package require psfgen
topology toppar_c36_feb16/top_all36_prot.rtf
pdbalias residue HOH TIP3
pdbalias residue HIS HSE
pdbalias atom ILE CD1 CD
segment seg0 {
 first ACE
 last  CT3
 pdb alanine.pdb
coordpdb alanine.pdb seg0
writepsf output/deca-alanine.psf
writepdb output/deca-alanine.pdb
The above file can be executed with the either of the following commands:
psfgen alanine.pgn > alanine.log


vmd -dispdev text -e alanine.pgn > alanine.log
where the psfgen program is part of both the NAMD and vmd distributions which can be invoked through the module command.

Minimization of Initial Structure

The psf and pdb files generated by the psfgen step can then be combined into a NAMD configuration file ( alanine_min.conf) which minimizes the isolated protein whose contents are shown below:

# namd configuration file to minimize deca-alanine protein chain

# molecular system
structure           output/deca-alanine.psf
coordinates         output/deca-alanine.pdb
temperature         300

# Output Control
set outputname      output/deca-alanine-minimize
outputName          $outputname


# CHARMM Force Field Parameters
paraTypeCharmm        on
parameters toppar_c36_feb16/par_all36_prot.prm
parameters toppar_c36_feb16/par_all36_lipid.prm
parameters toppar_c36_feb16/par_all36_na.prm
parameters toppar_c36_feb16/par_all36_carb.prm
parameters toppar_c36_feb16/par_all36_cgenff.prm
parameters toppar_c36_feb16/toppar_water_ions.str

# Simulation space partitioning
exclude scaled1-4
1-4scaling 1.0
cutoff 12.
switching on
switchdist 10.
pairlistdist 13.5

#Minimize for a number of steps
minimize        100

namd2 deca-alanine-minimize.namd > deca-alanine-minimize.log

Solvation, Neutralization, Adding Ions

Next, the protein is solvated, and then ions are added to neutralize the system, to increase the ionic strength, or to do both. The following is a VMD script file, solvate_add_ions.tcl,
vmd -dispdev text -e solvate_add_ions.tcl
accomplishes these steps. The contents of the solvate_add_ions.tcl script file are given below:

# Load PSF and binary coordinate file
mol new     output/deca-alanine.psf type psf
mol addfile output/deca-alanine-minimize.coor type namdbin

#measure the minimum and maximum values of coordinates
set coords [atomselect top all]
measure minmax $coords

#center the alanine helix
set a [measure center $coords]
set aminus [vecscale -1 $a]
$coords moveby $aminus

#see if it worked
measure center $coords

# Write out the centered alanine helix
$coords writepdb output/deca-alanine-centered.pdb

#solvate the recentered alanine helix with a water box
#new psf and pdb files are written
package require solvate
solvate output/deca-alanine.psf output/deca-alanine-centered.pdb -t 10 -o output/deca-alanine-centered-solvated

#check coordinates to see if the solvated alanine helix box is centered
set coords [atomselect top all]
measure center $coords

#Now add ions.  
#new psf and pdb files are written
package require autoionize
autoionize -psf output/deca-alanine-centered-solvated.psf -pdb output/deca-alanine-centered-solvated.pdb \
                             -sc 0.15 -cation POT -anion CLA -o output/deca-alanine-solvated-ions

#recenter the alanine helix after solvation and adding ions
set coords [atomselect top "not protein"]
measure minmax $coords
set a [measure center $coords]
set aminus [vecscale -1 $a]
$coords moveby $aminus

set coords [atomselect top protein]
measure minmax $coords
set a [measure center $coords]
set aminus [vecscale -1 $a]
$coords moveby $aminus

#analyze the geometric components of the solvated and ionized system 
set coords [atomselect top all]
measure center $coords

#measure the minimum and maximum values of coordinates
#to get an idea of the cell parameters
measure minmax $coords


Heating + Equilibration and Production

NAMD configuration scripts for heating + equilibration and production are similar, but there are several differences as well. Below is shown only the NAMD production script, deca-alanine-solvated-ions-production.namd:

# Production Dynamics of alanine in a Water Box                       #

# Molecular system
structure             output/deca-alanine-solvated-ions.psf

# Output Control
set outputname        output/deca-alanine-solvated-ions-production5
outputName            $outputname
binaryoutput          no
restartfreq           500 ;# 500steps = every 1ps
dcdfreq               500
velDCDfile            $outputname.vel.dcd
velDCDfreq            500
xstFreq               500
dcdunitcell           yes
outputEnergies        500
outputPressure        500

# Input Control
set inputname         output/deca-alanine-solvated-ions-equilibrate
binaryrestart         yes
bincoordinates        $inputname.restart.coor
binvelocities         $inputname.restart.vel
extendedSystem        $inputname.restart.xsc
coordinates           output/deca-alanine-solvated-ions-equilibrate.coor

firsttimestep         0


# CHARMM Force Field Parameters
paraTypeCharmm        on
parameters toppar_c36_feb16/par_all36_prot.prm
parameters toppar_c36_feb16/par_all36_lipid.prm
parameters toppar_c36_feb16/par_all36_na.prm
parameters toppar_c36_feb16/par_all36_carb.prm
parameters toppar_c36_feb16/par_all36_cgenff.prm
parameters toppar_c36_feb16/toppar_water_ions.str

# Simulation space partitioning
exclude               scaled1-4
1-4scaling            1.0
cutoff                12.
switching             on
switchdist            10.
pairlistdist          13.5

# Integrator Parameters
timestep              2.0 ;# 2fs/step
rigidBonds            all ;# needed for 2fs steps
nonbondedFreq         1
fullElectFrequency    2
stepspercycle         10

# Constant Temperature and Pressure Control - NPT Dynamics
# langevin piston is required, which provides the pressure control
langevinPiston on
langevinPistonTarget 1.01325
langevinPistonPeriod 200
langevinPistonDecay  50
langevinPistonTemp   300
useGroupPressure     yes ;# needed for rigidBonds
useFlexibleCell      yes
useConstantArea      yes

# Periodic Boundary Conditions
cellBasisVector1      32.0 0.00 0.00
cellBasisVector2      0.00 32.0 0.00
cellBasisVector3      0.00 0.00 32.0
cellOrigin            0.00 0.00 0.00
wrapAll on

# PME for full-system periodic electrostatics
PME                   yes
PMEGridSizeX          32
PMEGridSizeY          32
PMEGridSizeZ          32

run                    10000;  #run sets the number of timesteps over which 
                               #to run MD equilibration or production
To run this script, the following command is used:
namd2 +p24 deca-alanine-solvated-ions-production.namd > deca-alanine-solvated-ions-production.log
Notice, that the "+p24" option is added to the namd2 command for the production run, allowing execution on one node with 24 SMP processors (cores). Other numbers of cores can be used depending on the Linux node. Increasing the number of cores executing in parallel is very desirable for long executing production simulations. The result will be an increase in turn around time and a concomitant decrease in elapsed execution time.


When one or more trajectory files are obtained from production runs, then it possible to perform trajectory analysis of the solvated protein system. One important property for analysis involves RMSD, which is the root mean square deviation between the coordinates from a Molecular Dynamics simulation and the coordinates from an experimental protein structure.

The Root Mean Squared Difference (RMSD) is the difference between individual trajectory frames of coordinates with respect to the coordinates of a reference crystal structure of a protein or the first trajectory frame. The RMSD tells us something about the dissimilarity between the structures - 1 Å RMSD is barely visible to the eye, while an RMSD of 10 Å is leading to a significantly different structure.

Thus, the behavior of the protein from an initial starting structure or crystal reference structure, can be calculated with the following tcl script (rmsd.tcl) :

source bigdcd.tcl

# This script computes the RMS distance between each frame in a sequence of
# .xyz files and a reference pdb file. The script is set up for
# batch processing, i.e. it waits for the analysis to complete
# and then exits.

set outfile  [open "rmsd.dat"  w]

proc myrmsd { frame } {
  global outfile ref sel all
  $all move [measure fit $sel $ref]
  puts $outfile "$frame [measure rmsd $sel $ref]"

set mol [mol new test_ions.psf type psf waitfor all]
mol addfile test_ions.pdb type pdb waitfor all
set all [atomselect $mol all]
set ref [atomselect $mol "name CA" frame 0]
set sel [atomselect $mol "name CA"]

bigdcd myrmsd dcd test_ions_production.dcd


The command:

vmd -dispdev text -e rmsd.tcl
creates a file containing two columns of data, including the time versus RMSD value. This can be used as one measure of whether or not the system has equilibrated, and a graph of the RMSD of the protein versus time is shown below:

RMSD of CA Atoms

Many other properties of the solvated protein system can be obtained by using the tcl scripts located in the exercise directory.